Donación Obispo Federico Pagura
The choice of subject for this year was deliberate. The Holy Spirit has been the most neglacted doctrine in the whole range of Christian thought. Reviewing a recent book on The Work of the Holy Spirit, H. M. Bullock asked: "Have we pushed the Holy Spirit from the mainstream of Christianity into the cults where the teaching has been identified with rampant emotionalism?... Are we no longer concerned with the powerful presence of God with us in action now?" The Church must be reawakened to realize that God is in action through the power of his Holy Spirit; that he is trying to get through to our contemporary mind. Weighty volumes are being written by the scholard, and students who want more extensive treatment will turn to these. Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Holy Spirit and the life of Jesus. Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John. Holy Spirit and the Early Church. Holy Spirit in the thought of Paul. Holy Spirit and the christian life. Fruit of the Holy Spirit.